A Community Growing
Trees Together
Adopt a Tree
KCC Farmers Market
7:30 am to 11:00 am
Pre-registration is FULL, however, we will have a limited number of trees for walk-ins. Please bring your patience as not all species will be available. Also due to social distancing regulations, we will issue return time cards on a first-come, first-serve basis from 7:30 am for return times 10:00 and 10:30 am. After 10:00 am, all trees reserved, but not picked up, will be available for adoption by walk-ins. People who registered online for a tree adoption must come between 7:30 am and 10:00 am. Trees limited while supplies last. Thank you for your understanding.
Other options include Kailua Arbor Day’s Tree Adoption event. With the “Right Tree, Right Place” concept in mind, this event is meant to get the right tree planted in the best space for it to grow our community’s urban forest canopy. Check out this website to see what trees will be available and to reserve your tree today!
Click below for information on other Arbor Day celebrations. And remember, you can always check out your local nursery for the RIGHT tree for your preferences, location, and conditions. To help, put in desired characteristics at RightTreeHawaii.com to learn more