Conservation Service – Native Plant Restoration at Wāwāmalu Beach
November 16 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Conservation service led by Sierra Club O`ahu Group. Repairing damage by decades of off-roading. Planting costal natives and removing invasives.
Limited to 24 attendee/volunteers. Help return Wawamalu Beach to its native/natural state after years of off-road abuse and inattention. Natives planting, seed collection and sowing, as well as removal of invasive plants on tap. Personal pickaxes welcome and encouraged. Work gloves provided. Interpretation of course. Bring flask, cool water refill available.
Signup Instructions: Contact Reese Liggett, reservation required from Reese at wliggett@twc.com. Limited to 24 participants due to fragile nature of plant regeneration.
Bring: Closed-toe shoes/boots. Gardening .gloves, sunscreen and water flask (iced refill available, no plastic water available). Pick ax and power saw welcome
Signup Restrictions: Limited to 24 volunteers/attendees. Must have confirmed reservation from Reese at wliggett@twc.com. Must be 18 years old or accompanied.